The Superintendence of the Public Archives of Uberaba is the body responsible for the management, collection, technical treatment, preservation and dissemination of documentary heritage in the city and region. Created on March 4, 1985, it has under its custody and preservation documents from the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary powers. It also has a rich collection from private records that make up the private archive.These documents are true treasures of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The collection is composed of: post-mortem inventories, criminal proceedings, manumission letters, minutes, documents sent and received, newspapers (Valecitate Lavoura e Comércio, Gazeta de Uberaba, Jornal da Manhã, Jornal de Uberaba, O Triângulo, Cidade Hoje and Cidade Livre), in addition to donations made by individuals. All this material is available to the municipality.To immerse yourself in the Uberaba Public Archives collection is to take a real trip back in time. The institution has, at the disposal of citizens, documents from the beginnings of Uberaba, since when it was called the “Freguesia de Santo Antônio and São Sebastião do Uberaba”. It also contains material from other parishes, villages and villages that were part of the Sertão da Farinha Podre, current Triângulo Mineiro.Much of the history of Central Brazil was built from the analysis of documents that the Superintendence of the Public Archives of Uberaba holds. The vast majority of consultants are from Uberaba and region, but the institution receives requests for research support from people around the world. It is important to emphasize that the Public Archives Superintendence does not only take care of historical documents; legal attribution to formulate public policies for document management and consolidate the archives policy in the bodies of the Municipality of Uberaba, in accordance with the guidelines of the CONARQ/Conselho Nacional de Arquivos.With this app we want to offer relevant content to the public interested in research.